TV and movies are filled with magical moments where the impossible seems to happen. We all know special effects are behind that, and that green screen technology makes a lot of that magic happen. But there are plenty of practical business applications for the same technology; which is why Maverick made sure our new headquarters included a green screen studio.
We can place you in any scenario… the middle of a green pasture, a corporate boardroom, a news studio setting – even behind second base at Yankee Stadium if you like; with graphics, effects, titles and music.
Live corporate broadcasts, video, and online conferences, support materials for seminars, video e-mails, educational applications – green screen makes it all very easy to do. Not to mention much cheaper than going on-location.
Say you’re a corporate CEO with a message to deliver to your staffers in different cities You can fly them in, herd ‘em all into a hall, and shout from the podium. Or you can stop by our studios, shoot the message without worrying about stuttering or inadvertently saying something offensive, and email it to everyone.
Maverick’s green screen technology can help you make short work of training videos, employee orientations, product demos, executive announcements, video e-mails, sales presentations, and fund-raising pitches.
The new information technology, Internet and e-mail, have practically eliminated the physical costs of communications.
Peter Drucker